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 130 items in 9 pages
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 130 items in 9 pages
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This course equips you with the skills to assess and calculate a bankrupt's income contributions, understand legislative requirements and the contribution collection process, and navigate a bankrupt's rights for review and hardship applications.

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This course provides a basic knowledge of the different treatment of family court orders and binding financial agreements and how to determine whether there is a benefit to the bankrupt estate in seeking to have such settlements set aside.

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This course provides a working knowledge of the Bankruptcy Act provisions which may allow a bankruptcy trustee to set aside a transaction and what elements the trustee will need to establish to be successful in a claim.

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This course equips participants with a comprehensive understanding of the outcomes of annulments, discharges, and section 73 compositions for both parties involved, alongside insights into record retention requirements and estate finalisation to ensure legislative compliance.

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This course will raise awareness of the ‘quirks’ involved in managing bankruptcies which involve trusts, partnerships and deceased estates.

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This course covers the basics of investigating a bankrupt’s examinable affairs, including consideration of the public examination provisions of the Act and the use of section 77AA, 77A and 77C notices. Section 305 funding applications will also be considered.

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Failure to properly consider creditors’ claims can have serious consequences for trustees, including a finding that resolutions have not been properly passed. This course looks at what claims can be admitted for both dividend and voting purposes and the amounts for which they should be admitted.

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This course provides insight into valuable types of financial information for insolvency appointments, the role this financial information plays, and practical guidance on how financial information can be prepared.

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This course provides a working knowledge of key aspects of trading the business including trade on strategies, implementing trading controls, managing suppliers and contracts, and principles of trading strategies including use of financial forecasts.

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This course provides a working knowledge of the different types of creditors’ meetings in corporate insolvency.

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This course provides the skills and tools to use financial data to identify the date of insolvency and insolvent transactions as well as to quantify the amount of an insolvent trading claim.

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This course provides a working knowledge of the everyday tax issues faced by insolvency practitioners including meeting PAYG, STP and BAS reporting requirements; common GST issues; increasing adjustments when paying dividends; GST reporting when acting as Agent for the Mortgagee; income tax obligations including Capital Gains Tax; ATO garnishees and an introduction to FBT and payroll tax.

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This course provides participants with information and guidance to assist them in understanding the finalisation processes for different insolvency appointments, including new small business restructuring, transitioning and parallel appointments, being replaced as appointee, and dealing with books and records.

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This course considers the employee issues when trading on or selling a business, including considerations when employing, transitioning post a sale and/or terminating, and the priority and payment of entitlements, including apportionment between pre and post appointment periods.

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This course provides a working knowledge of statutory requirements and best practice approaches to managing stakeholder and statutory reporting efficiently, including notices and reports to creditors; an introduction to remuneration reports and DIRRIs; statutory reports to ASIC and reporting to the secured creditors in receiverships.